21 August 2009

"Patience is a virtue"...

...is something that I have heard my whole life, and patience seems to be the one thing that God continually is teaching me. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am the type of person that likes to make lists, set schedules, and even plan ahead. I'm not much of one to do anything too spontaneous, however, there are times when I do things that are spontaneous and I enjoy it when it happens (like making random runs to Wal Mart to buy white slip on shoes). But I don't always enjoy being spontaneous...like when I decided to just up and move from Minneapolis without really thinking a few things through. But yeah, because I make lists and schedules and even plan ahead...I always feel that things have to happen at a certain time and if they don't, I usually get a little upset or even frustrated. Things that this include would be: getting somewhere on time, finishing up a project, and even running to the store. I like to know how long something may take to happen so that I can be ready. Now, I realize that somethings cannot be put on a time table, and those are the things that I am learning to be patient about. Finishing college would be a great example of what I am talking about. I am so ready to be finished with college. I am ready to put college behind me and move on with life and move on to the next chapter of my life. College wasn't supposed to last this long...I wanted to be done in four years and then do whatever was next. I wasn't expecting to be in my fifth year of college, possibly looking at two more years, and still not having a set plan for when I do FINALLY graduate. But, like I said before, I need to realize that there are things I have to be patient about and I need to just trust in the Lord because I know He has things under control....and I need to learn that I don't always have to be in control. I can also give another little example that has recently happened in my life...but I really don't want to type all of that out...and I don't think it is really a good time to talk about it (or something like that). But again, with the "unsaid" development, I am just learning to be patient and waiting to see if and when it will happen (I'm really hoping it will happen though haha). I'm also learning to not get my hopes up TOO high and I'm trying to realize that the scenarios I play in my head won't always happen the way I would like them too...but again...who knows? Maybe in time they will...I just need to be patient.

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