Hello person that is reading this! So something exciting has happened in my life lately...I got a job! I know right!? I'm pretty excited about it. I was starting to lose hope, but one day I got a call on my cell and on the other end was someone wanting to set up an interview with me. Two interviews, a job offer signing, a background check and peeing in a cup later...I'm now hired and I have orientation on Thursday! I am so blessed and thankful to have a job now. Oh, you're probably wondering what the job is right? Well I will be working in the grocery department at Walmart.

I will be reshelving returns, stocking, and fixing up aisles. So yeah...I can't wait to start making money again lol. It was getting pretty rough trying to conserve gas in my truck. I realize I could have asked my Grandmamma for money at any time...but I really didn't want to do that all the time. I mean, I want to be as independant as I can. I realize that part of me not asking my Grandmamma for money was because of pride, but I mean...I don't know...I just didn't want to ask my Grandmother for money ok lol. Other exciting news: I got a new cell phone!

Yet another area in my life I have been blessed with. It is called the Alias 2 and it is from Samsung. It is a flip phone and also has a key pad. The buttons are also illuminated underneath by a screen. Basically it is awesome. My other cell phone served its purpose and now it is time for a new era...the Verizon era. Dang this phone is great. I actually get service! I can even call and text as clear as day. So text and call me whenever you want and I'll be sure to reply! (And if you need my number...just ask lol).
Now that I have a job...I can now start buying things again. (Don't worry...I won't like splurge my entire check. Since losing my job I have learned I need to be responsible with my money). All I know is I cannot WAIT to buy a CD again. And I am pretty sure Owl City's newest album "Ocean Eyes" is going to be my first purchase. It is a little different then what I normally listen to, but I like it a lot. The music is classified as electonica-pop and I like it. His lyrics are pretty catchy and so are the rhythms. I've been trying to branch out and listen to different stuff again and I think Owl City has come at just the right time.

So yeah, that pretty much sums everything up I think lol. Talk to ya later...PEACE!
Glad to hear that ur now employed! Maybe this could be the start of a good era in our economy. Good Luck!!